{Carrer web log}
HTML5 Mini Template
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 { 3 Comments }
Three interesting projects emerged this month.Chris Coyier called them :
Papa bear: HTML5 Boilerplate
Mama bear: HTML5 Reset
Baby bear: HTML5 site template
There are HTML5 starting point templates. The main differences are what external libraries they include.
My approach is to start with less stuff and then gradually upgrade.
So inspired by Papa, Mama and Baby Bear I created HTML5 Mini Template (Mama Bear is pregnant):
It uses:
- CSS Mini Reset
- Bulletproof CSS3 media queries
- Hartija – CSS Print Framework
- All project is about 4 kb.
Download HTML5 Mini Template on GitHub
GReadable - readability bookmarklet for Google Reader
Friday, August 20, 2010 { 3 Comments }
My friend Mirko suggested me that it would be nice if I can extend my readability project ClipR for better Google Reader support . ClipR works well with Google Reader but is not very user-friendly because you must refresh the browser for every Google Reader article.So I decided to copy the typography from ClipR and to make completely new bookmarklet only for Google Reader.
So what basically GReadable does is expanding the article reading area inserting bigger more readable monitor optimized . You can learn more about the typography used on my previous post about ClipR typography .
Here how the text will look like before and after inside Google Reader:


The text example is taken from Smashing Magazine article The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners
Here is the bookmarklet:
GReadable - Drag the link to your browser bookmark toolbar, then go to Google Reader page and click it.
All Google Reader articles will be modified and they will stay modified until you don’t exit or refresh Google Reader page.
I also made greasemonkey script install it here.
I will appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Please comment.
TweetThisPage - bookmarklet for fast twitter posting
Friday, August 13, 2010 { 1 Comments }
Yesterday Twitter introduced the official (Tweet) Button and new API.I was eager to try the new API and I build right away new Bookmarklet who can help you fast posting to Twitter from any web page.
How this works?
Install the bookmarklet
TweetThisPage - Drag the link to your browser bookmark toolbar
When you click the bookmarklet it will automatically open new browser window and put the page HTML Title and the link (the link will get shorten by official Twitter shortener) . If you select any text from the page it will insert the selected page and avoid inserting the HTML Title.
And that is it.
When should you use it?
When the web page or the blog doesn’t have tweet button and you want to avoid copy pasting the title and url.
Here are some screenshots, I used Daring Fireball blog like an example:
With no text selected:

With text selected:

Here is also the source code from the bookmarklet:
(function () {
var l,t,s,D = document;
l = encodeURIComponent(location.href);
t = encodeURIComponent(D.title);
s = encodeURIComponent(D.getSelection());
if(s.length != 0)
{window.open('http://twitter.com/share?text='+s+'&url='+l,'', 'width=533,height=232,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); }
{window.open('http://twitter.com/share?text='+t+'&url='+l, '', 'width=533,height=232,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); }
You don’t know what bookmarklet is here is Wikipedia link.
I hope that you will find this tool useful.
About Me <<<
Name: Vladimir Carrer
vladocar [at] gmail.com
Location: Verona, Italy
I'm a web designer, developer, teacher, speaker, generally web addicted ...
My projects <<<
- AI Prompt Directory
- Hand Drawn Icons
- Font Design Inspiration
- Font Pairings
- Free SVG Cut File
- Upcoming NFT projects
- Discord Tutorials
- Free Sublimation Designs
- Tech Feed
- MySQL Lite Administrator
- Quark Mini PHP CMS
- Formy - CSS Form Framework
- Emastic - CSS Framework
- Malo - CSS Library
- The Golden Grid
- 1 line CSS Grid Framework
- Two Lines CSS Framework
- Child Selector System - CSS Framework
- Better Web Readability Project
- Azbuka - CSS Typographical Base Rendering Library
- ClipR - bookmarklet for better reading
- CSS3 Action Framework
- CSS Mini Reset
- HTML5 Mini Template
- CSS Mobile Reset
- picoCSS - JavaScript Framework
- HTML Lorem Ipsum Crash Test
- Object Auto Documentation - JavaScript
- o - JS Library for Object Manipulation
- Foxy - CSS Framework
- Tumblr Free Theme - Better Readability Project
- Box - CSS Framework
- nanoJS - Minimal JS DOM Library
- Flexy CSS Framework
- Katana is CSS Layout System made with Flexbox
- Micro CSS Reset
- 60 Grid System
- Simple CSS Button
- ramd.js JavaScript library for making web applications.
- Minimal Notes web app build with Vue.js
- Scribble Font for Prototyping & Wireframing
- Flex One - 1 CSS Class System
- Floaty - CSS Float Based Layout System
- Infinity CSS Grid
- CLI Convert websites into readable PDFs
- keywords-extract - CLI tool, extract keywords from any web page.
- screenshoteer - Make website screenshots and mobile emulations from the command line.
- Basic.css - Classless CSS Starter File
§§Previous Posts <<<
- GPT-3 and CSS Frameworks
- Don’t use CSS Reset use CSS Set
- One Page 2020 Calendar Print Version
- 3 CLI tools based on Node.js
- Scribble Font for Prototyping & Wireframing
- ramd.js - Small JavaScript library for making TODO...
- Katana.scss - CSS Layout System made with Flexbox
- Flexy CSS Framework
- nanoJS - JavaScript for DOM manipulation
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